
Both unit and integration tests are written using pytest. To run the unit tests:

pytest tests/unit

Integration tests require running services and evaluate multiple components at the same time.

pytest tests/integration

Functional tests ensure that the system functions correctly end-to-end, with resources and load as close to production as possible.

pytest tests/functional

To test that multiple producers and multiple consumers are able to share workloads, a sample Procfile is provided spawning four processes like below:

pub1: wms --port 8080 --spec-file ./conf/sites-default.yaml scrape
pub2: wms --port 8081 --spec-file ./conf/sites-test.yaml    scrape
sub1: wms --port 8083 persist
sub2: wms --port 8084 persist

It can be executed with honcho start. Ideally this would be run with pytest during functional testing.

Quality Assurance#

When the Terraform cluster has been deployed, one can simulate a real-world scenario with two producers and two consumers (the env should be named staging):

WMS_ENV=prod honcho start

Running integration tests on Cloud services tend to produce flaky results because of network latency in particular.


Test coverage can be computing from the top-level directory, producing an HTML report

make cov