
Utility functions.

Module Contents#


build_log_filepath(→ Path | None)

Absolute path construction from some base dir and filename.


Iterator over random specs and associated results.

send_batch_helper(→ list[asyncio.futures.Future])

Helper to build and publish payloads to some topic in batch.

wms.utils.build_log_filepath(base_dir: Path | str | None = None, filename: Path | str | None = None) Path | None#

Absolute path construction from some base dir and filename.

wms.utils.iter_random_spec_result(seed: int | float | str | bytes | None = 42, num_samples: int | None = None, status_codes: Sequence[int] | None = None) collections.abc.Iterator[tuple[wms.config.WebsiteSpec, wms.models.WebsiteScrapeResult]]#

Iterator over random specs and associated results.

async wms.utils.send_batch_helper(producer: aiokafka.producer.AIOKafkaProducer, topic: str, payloads: collections.abc.Sequence[tuple[Any, Any]], key_serializer: wms.typing.Serializer = orjson.dumps, value_serializer: wms.typing.Serializer = orjson.dumps) list[asyncio.futures.Future]#

Helper to build and publish payloads to some topic in batch.

When the return metadata is None, it means the batch is closed and the message was not added. Flush the batch and add the message to the new batch.

Reference: https://aiokafka.readthedocs.io/en/stable/examples/batch_produce.html